Real Estate

Easy Lead Generation

Prospective buyers can call or email you right from the listings page!

Show Properties 24/7

Place a beacon at each of your properties and it’ll deliver all the details—from square footage and price to photos and 360-degree virtual tours—right to your prospective buyers’ phones.

Beacons in real estate In this fiercely competitive market, there are indeed numerous ways to market real estate businesses – radio ads, sale signs and flyers. However, most of these legacy ways fall short in reaching out to potential buyers at the right time and in the right manner. And that’s why, proximity beacon technology, has garnered tremendous momentum among real estate professionals around the world. With the wide adoption of beacons in real estate, the use cases are not merely restricted to broadcasting information. Beacons are being leveraged to capture leads, engage with them, and understand their needs and buying behaviour. Beacon use cases in real estate


Beacons are deployed on the outskirts of property, sale signs, real estate offices and trade fairs to attract potential buyers when they drive past it. Realtors notify prospects about open house events and availability of houses in a specific location. Captive Audience’s outdoor beacons transmit notifications to Bluetooth-enabled smartphones in the range of 100 meters.


On devices with phone capabilities, buyers can directly connect with realtors by simply tapping a phone number, or more commonly known as tap-to-call. With Captive Audience , realtors can also PUSH BUSINESS CARDS to smartphones. Buyers can save the contact details in a single click.


Beacons are leveraged inside the property to increase engagement and thus the chances of conversion by providing 360 degree virtual tours of the property and alerts about the on-premise extras, such as, pool, golf course, fitness centre etc.


  • Beacon campaign analytics are used to quantify activity on the property thus help realtors optimize demand forecasts, scheduling and queues for the next open house event. Heat maps of the plot help understand if a zone is unable to garner enough attention. Why beacons? Beacon campaign results are vastly superior compared to its competitor technologies.
  • Beacons have an excellent ROI – costs less than $20 and are powered for batteries for a couple of years. Additionally, they need minimal effort to be deployed.
  • Beacons help retarget potential buyers on Facebook and Google Successful beacon deployments in real estate A London agency “Spicerhaart Land & New Homes” have installed beacons in their apartments to make the visit of potential buyers interesting and engaging. – The buyers are greeted with a message as soon as they step into the property – Presented with an interactive plan of the building – Given access to a plethora of multimedia content about the whole development – To delight buyers, they also push some iTune coupons! This is not just improving the experience of the buyers, but also helps the agency amass anonymous, aggregate data on how they move through the apartment and which rooms and locations catch their interest for the longest time. Spicerhaart used the Wharf app to boost the experience. Residential real estate company, “Redfin”, has integrated iBeacon technology into its app, in order to help with its real estate sales. The app helps trigger relevant house information to interested customers, thus making the customer experience highly relevant and exclusive.